North West Multiple Birth Club Inc
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Finding out you are having a multiple pregnancy can be surprising, scary and exciting all in one, and those feelings don't stop at various stages of your parenting of multiples. Below are some resources that can assist you in finding answers to the continued questions that come up throughout your parenting of multiples journey. Please let us know if you find any more helpful resources and we will share it to help other members.
Australian Multiple Birth Association (AMBA)
AMBA website https://www.amba.org.au
- AMBA Webinars (For access codes, register as a NWMBC member and log in to see the members only section): https://www.amba.org.au/support/resources/webinar-series
Member discounts and offers (For codes, register as a NWMBC member and log in to see the members only section) https://www.amba.org.au/connect/member-discounts-offers
General Information
Australian Twin Registry twins.org.au
International Society for Twin Studies https://twinstudies.org
Twinfo twinfo.com.au
Centrelink for twins and multiples explained https://www.twinfo.com.au/centrelink-for-twins-and-multiples/
Raising multiple babies https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/raising-multiple-babies
Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome tttsfoundation.org
Breastfeeding Multiples
Breastfeeding Australia breastfeeding.asn.au
Breastfeeding triplets, quads or more www.breastfeeding.asn.au/bf-info/higher
Breastfeeding Multiples Facebook Group Breastfeeding Multiples Australia | Facebook
Lactation Consultatns of Australia and New Zealand www.lcanz.org/find-a-lactation-consultant/
Feeding multiple babies www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/feeding-multiple-babies
Mental Health & Wellbeing Resources
Gidget Foundation https://www.gidgetfoundation.org.au
Antenatal and post natal psychology network https://www.antenatalandpostnatalpsychology.com.au
Mums Matter Psychology https://www.mumsmatterpsychology.com
COPE https://www.cope.org.au
PANDA https://panda.org.au
Beyond Blue www.beyondblue.org.au
Mind Spot www.mindspot.org.au
Bereavement Support
The Sky High Foundtion https://www.theskyehighfoundation.com
Sands Australia https://www.sands.org.au
AMBA Purple butterfly initiative https://www.amba.org.au/news/purple-butterfly
Pink Elephants https://www.pinkelephants.org.au
Bears of hope https://www.bearsofhope.org.au
Red Nose grief and loss www.rednosegriefandloss.org.au/
Twinless support group www.twinlesstwins.org/
Premature Birth Resources
Miracle Babies Foundation https://www.miraclebabies.org.au
Life's Little Treasures Foundation https://lifeslittletreasures.org.au
Raising Multiples
AMBA webinars https://www.amba.org.au/support/resources/webinar-series
Raising Children www.raisingchildren.net.au
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program www.triplep-parenting.net.au
Pregnancy, Birth, Baby, Aus Governemtn https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/raising-multiple-babies
Speech development of Multiples https://www.multiplebirthsa.org.au/resources/speech-development-of-multiples/
AMBAs classroom placement of multiples in schools statement https://www.amba.org.au/position-statements/class-placement
Triple P Positive Parenting Program - https://www.triplep-parenting.net.au/vic-en/triple-p/
Ask Izzy - online directory that will link you directly to the support services you require within your postcode according to your need (food, money help, housing, support & counselling and many more options). https://www.askizzy.org.au
Support and Services
Multiple Birth Volunteer Support Foundation http://mbvs.org.au
In Home Care Program https://ihc.org.au
Mercy Health O'Connell Family Centre (publicly funded facility) https://health-services.mercyhealth.com.au/our-health-services/oconnell-family-centre/